Garena adjusted the maps in Battle Royale & Clash squad

Clash Squad √ 

New Map

Snow capped - a combination fight insight.

"Prepared for new fights and triumphs on Alpine?"

Elevated guide accessible in Clash Squad and Clash Squad Ranked modes.

New Area

Conflict Squad mode invites new regions in Bermuda.

"New fun added to our old guide!"

Shelter and Nurek Dam - new regions in Bermuda.

Map Balancing

"At any point felt defenseless while battling in rather void regions? We've added covers in specific spots of Bermuda - let these assist you with taking out your foes simpler!"

Bermuda map changes in Katulistiwa, Mars Electric, and Mill.

Rank Battle Card

Show fight measurements on the stacking page.

"Garena have included another connection point the stacking page for Clash Squad Ranked so you can have a unique spot to parade your achievements! Presently, you get to not just presentation your fight details on the stacking page yet in addition single out what different players can see."

Stacking page for Clash Squad Ranked would now grandstand be able to Battle Cards - insights and fight labels are adaptable.

Reward Airdrop

Added airdrop to warm up fights.

"Airdrops are currently accessible in Clash Squad. Make a point to look at them! Found out about M1887 with 3 shots? You may think that it is in the Bonus Airdrop!"

Airdrop will arrive on the guide in each round. Just in the exemplary Clash Squad mode.

In- Game Events

Changed different occasions and result gear in-game.

"To make plundering more intriguing for you folks, we have made alterations to the ongoing interaction episodes."

Limited things accessible in Airdrop Vending Machines.

Stashes will create better stuff as the match continues.

Hardware extraordinariness in Airdrops increments as the match continues.

Recovery Mechanism Optimization
Upgraded the experience for restored players.

"While being restored and getting back on the battling pit is invigorating, it tends to be harrowing to plunder again from the starting point. This fix, restored players will begin with a Level 1 Armor and a Pistol, so you have a decent opportunity to return with a bang."

Players who parachute after restoration will look towards the Safe Zone.

Restored players will have a Lv. 1 Helmet, a Lv. 1 Vest, and a Pistol naturally

New Rank Icon

A new search for a new fix.

"It has been quite a while since our Clash Squad and Battle Royale symbols were refreshed. This fix, you will be welcomed with a fresh out of the plastic new arrangement of Clash Squad rank symbols!"

New symbols selective to Clash Squad Ranked.

Fight Royale

Safe Zone Pace Adjustment
Changed speed and season of Safe Zone recoils.

"We understood that the initial two play zones in the Battle Royale needed action,so we have made acclimations to accelerate the underlying phase of each match to flavor things up prior in the game."

Changed the time and speed of the initial not many Safe Zone therapists to expand the speed of each match. Just in the exemplary Battle Royale mode.

Nurek Dam Rework
Cleaned map region subtleties.

"Nurek Dam in Bermuda is a piece obsolete, so you will see a redesigned variant of this region in the new fix!"

Fused Bermuda Remastered's Nurek Dam into Bermuda.

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